School District Bussing: Grades 1-6
Philadelphia residents who live more than 1.5 miles from GFS qualify for free bus transportation for students in grades 1-6. Currently, there are five Philadelphia School District (PSD) bus routes that transport GFS students exclusively and are determined by the Philadelphia School District. The pick-up/drop-off location can be up to a half-mile from the student's home. These routes generally have the same driver from Philly Transportation each day. The GFS Transportation Department, which acts as a liaison between the Philadelphi School District, Philly Trans, and GFS families, will forward the names of all enrolled families to the district. They, in turn, will create the routes and schedules and notify parents directly of their child's pick-up and drop-off times and location.
Public Transportation (SEPTA): Grades 7-12
Once a Philadelphia resident enters grade 7, school district busing is no longer provided. Instead, students in grades 7-12, who live more than 1.5 miles from GFS, qualify for a yearly SEPTA fare card, which is issued at the beginning of the school year at the Front Desk in the Main Building. To ride the SEPTA regional rail, these fare cards can be upgraded weekly for a modest fee. For further information about upgrading a fare card to a Railpass, visit