Responsible Impact
Respect all living systems through practices and campus planning.
We will
Infuse sustainability into our program and practices.
Implement the school’s sustainable campus master plan.
CARE AND RESPECT for the environment and all living systems are essential tenets of GFS’ Quaker beliefs. Environmental responsibility throughout the campus and curriculum is crucial to our future as a school and as a beacon of best practices in education.
GFS is committed to modeling social and environmental practices, behaviors, and actions that lead to the creation of a carbon-neutral campus environment. We must continue to educate students on the science and systems related to a healthy planet and foster a culture of environmental stewardship across all divisions that also extends into the local neighborhood.
With the leadership of a dedicated sustainability director, GFS will build a comprehensive program that infuses environmental responsibility into its programs and practices, and fosters a culture of conservancy and action across all divisions. We want to see our young people change the degeneration of the environment, and we must develop the capacity for responsible choice
The GFS campus structure must also reflect a care and concern for all. A campus renewal will improve accessibility, decrease our footprint, and better unite the school as a whole and with the greater community.